Sunday, June 29, 2014

tutorial - embrodered rings , part 3

Partitioning and marking segments

 welcome back to the embrodered ring tutorial. this is the last part of preparing the base - making equal parts around the ring.
part 1 - materials

part 2 - making the base 

We’re going to start with a simple design (I will upload a few more ideas later).


For this model, we need to place 8 markers, evenly spaced around the ring.


Take a strip of simple printer paper (even better - recycle some printout / letter / whatever), cut a stripe of just under 0.5 inch width.

Wrap the paper around the ring (you can do that while the rind is one the mold) and cut the paper exactly the size of the ring. 
Take the paper off and mark 8 equal segments. 

Of course, you can place the partition to 8 by folding the paper again and again, but I want to show you a way to place odd numbers as well – like 7, or 9, which aren’t as obvious to do.


Using a grid of parallel lines, with equal distances between them (like, say, my cutting board, on the centimeters side), count 8 parts (that’s 9 lines, yes?), and stretch the paper from one edge (line 1 ) to the other (line 9), top corners (right corners in the photo) touching the lines.
 For me, my paper is a little longer than 8 centimeters, so I have to place the paper a bit diagonally.

The distances between parallel lines remain equal on a diagonal, so… make the seven middle lines on one side, turn the paper around and do the other side.

Knitting needle isn’t required, unless you’re trying to take a photo and the paper refuses to stay flat.


Once your paper is marked, wrap the paper around the ring, securing it with a piece of tape.

Transfer the marks onto the ring. You can use a fabric marker or just place pins on the fabric above the marks and be very careful stitching the first round.

I usually go for the pins, being too lazy to search for  the marker, but for your first ring, you have enough confusion going around … go for the fabric marker.

As you can see in the design above, we need a total of 8 marks, alternating between up and down sides.   place your marks and remove the paper.

no more preparation work... Next part is stitching!



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